America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Behind the Scenes at the IPCC: A Podcast with Dr. Katharine Mach - Stanford Woods Institute



Subscribe/listen to podcast on Apple Podcasts.Now on Spotify! Listen here. On Google Play here. Please share on Facebook! On Twitter: @usaadapts In episode 33 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Katharine Mach, Director of Stanford Environment Assessment Facility - Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and former Co-Director of the Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Topics covered: ADAPTATION ON CAMPUS - Doug and Katharine discuss how adaptation is an emerging academic area of study on campus and what sorts of programs are now available to students. HARVARD, STANFORD THEN THE IPCC – Katharine discusses her own academic history and how she was recruited to join the staff of the IPCC. HOLISTIC ADAPTATION - Adaptation requires integrating various disciplines in both research and implementation and Katharine describes her experiences. BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER – K