America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

The March for Science and Earth Optimism: Science for the People



In an Earth Day 2017 special episode of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Valorie Aquino, Co-Director on the Organizing Committee for the March for Science; Dr. Nancy Knowlton, organizer of the April 21-23rd Earth Optimism Summit; and Dr. Randy Olson, scientist-turned-filmmaker. Now on Spotify! Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes Listen here. On Google Play here. Please share on Facebook! On Twitter: @usaadapts Valorie Aquino, Co-Director of the March for Science THE ORIGINS OF THE MARCH – Valorie explains the origins of the March. Learn what activities are planned during the event and some helpful logistics if you are attending. SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE MARCH – Hear how the March grew from a Reddit post, to its own Facebook page, that within days, exploded in size from a few thousand members to nearly 850,000 members (and growing). Valorie describes how the social media platforms have become a place where supp