America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Free Market Adaptation at the Cato Institute – Dr. Pat Michaels



Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Android Now on Spotify! In episode 50 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Pat Michaels, Director of the Center for the Study of Science at the libertarian Cato Institute.  Doug and Pat discuss free market approaches to adaptation and the potential role of the Cato Institute in this emerging field. In this Episode: NATURAL ADAPTATION – Dr. Michaels shares examples of how society, across the planet, have already adapted to extreme weather.  GDP ADAPTATOIN – Dr. Michaels shares his belief that as the economies of developing countries grow, they will have the economic resources to develop the necessary environmental rules and regulations to adapt to climate change. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE – Doug and Pat find common ground on the need to reform the National Flood Insurance Program to discourage rebuilding in flood prone areas. It is an area of rare agreement between environmentalists and libertarians. CATO INSTITUTE ADAPTS? – Doug and Pat discuss the need f