America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Adapting Conservation to Climate Change at WWF



In episode 80 of America Adapts, Doug Parson joins World Wildlife Fund’s Shaun Martin to take a behind the scenes look at how WWF is adapting conservation to the new realities of climate change and helping governments prepare for the future in ways that ensure a place for nature. During this 8-month journey, Doug follows how WWF is developing a simple process to integrate climate change risks into its strategies and documents the challenges and triumphs they face along the way. This episode features WWF staff from 20 countries on 5 continents, telling stories on a wide range of topics including elephants, super-typhoons, and urban water scarcity – all served up with a strong dose of instant coffee and a side of chicken gizzards! Subscribe to America Adapts, text “adapters” to 31996! Donate to America Adapts Featured in this Episode (in order of appearance) Shaun Martin, WWF US Kate Teperman, WWF Vietnam Eduardo Rendón Salinas, WWF Mexico Harisoa Hasina Rakotondrazafy, WWF Madagascar Gia Ibay, WWF Philippin