America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

The Race to Define the Green New Deal with Grist CEO Brady Walkinshaw



In episode 92 of America Adapts, host Doug Parsons interviews the CEO of Grist, Brady Walkinshaw.  Grist is the long time, online environmental news group.  Doug and Brady discuss the presidential politics of climate change; the race to define what the Green New Deal really is.  They also discuss how the Green New Deal address climate adaptation and Grist’s own coverage of the issue. They also discuss the challenges of covering environmental news in a non partisan way, and sharing some of the Grist news programs. Donate to America Adapts Listen to America Adapts on your favorite app here! Topics covered: What is Grist environmental news. A deep dive on the Green New Deal: substance, players and politics of it. “It’s a positive viewpoint of the future, not a negative one.” 2020 Presidential elections and climate politics. Should there be a climate presidential debate (yes)? Does the green new deal address climate adaptation? Is it impossible to do bipartisan Green New Deal? Is it time to play hard ball on thi