America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

The Perils of the Securitization of Climate Change with Sherri Goodman



In episode 131 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons hosts Sherri Goodman, a Senior Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center and the Senior Strategist at the Center for Climate and Security.  We cover such topics as climate change being the ultimate national security threat multiplier. Also, we discuss some of the early climate work she did in Congress and in the executive branch; the ‘climatization of security’; emerging threats in the arctic region and how shifting political winds cam impact long term planning for climate change and national security. Topics covered: Learn about think tanks working on climate security. The early history of climate change and national security in the US government. Military involvement in Kyoto Treaty negotiations. The ‘climatization of security’ and its history. The threat of the “securitization of climate change.” What are ‘climate threat multipliers’ What are threats to US in the arctic region and how China is playing a bigger role in this region. The challenges for t