America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

2021 Spring Adaptation Book Episode – All Things Sea Level Rise



In episode 138 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons is highlighting two new adaptation books, Moving to Higher Ground, Rising Sea Level and the Path Forward by legendary sea level rise expert John Englander and a Blueprint for Coastal Adaptation, edited by Dr. Carolyn Kousky at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. We’ll take a sneak peak in these books that are focusing on coastal adaptation and sea level rise. Learn what inspired the authors to write each book and how each brings new, important ideas in this emerging field of adaptation. Brief introduction to the Book “Moving to Higher Ground.” John Englander’s history working on sea level rise. Why the book is structured the way it is, for the public and practitioners. What we can learn from the Titanic story. The origins of the book, “Blueprint for Coastal Adaptation.” Background on all the contributors to the book. Carolyn Kousky’s motivation for writing a book on coastal management. Donate to America Adapts Listen to America Adapts on you