America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Hello, Miami! Fundamentals of Local Climate Adaptation Reporting with Alex Harris of the Miami Herald



Doug Parsons hosts Alex Harris, a climate reporter with the Miami Herald. Alex, the only reporter dedicated to climate change in the entire southeast, shares what it’s like covering climate change in the Miami region. We discuss the importance of local media for adaptation; using the latest science as a reporter; the mega projects Miami is considering to halt flooding and sea level rise; how a nearly decade old Rolling Stone article on climate change still haunts local officials; what happened to the Florida Chief Resilience Officer and why it’s so hard to stop using polluting septic tanks in Miami. Topics covered: Being the first climate reporter in the southeast United States Why local media coverage of climate change is so critical. And will adaptation help drive new interest in local media coverage. The challenges of covering private sector adaptation stakeholders. Embedding climate change into topic coverage. Climate justice and equity in the Miami region. Learn how every 5 years, local scientists mak