Beprovided Conservation Radio

Vicki Benjamin: Co-Founder of Karner Blue Capital



This week's show is a little different, in that I am interviewing the co-founder of an investment management firm called Karner Blue Capital. I have never thought of interviewing an investment company co-founder until I saw their recent press release titled: Socially responsible investment leader urges a collective reassessment of our relationship with animals to fight global outbreaks of infectious disease. I became curious how investing can make a difference.   On this show we talk about many ways you and I can make contributions to help protect our natural world in terms of volunteering, education, artwork and donations. But do we look closely at the companies we invest in, through say our 401 K s etc in order to make an impact? To be honest, I have not looked at every company in my plan to see how they treat people or animals. Well, we are all about to learn how investing can make an impact. We have been told we can vote with our forks, now we can vote with how we invest to let companies know we care