Beprovided Conservation Radio

Lori Marino -Whale Sanctuary Project Interview



Lori Marino is a neuroscientist and expert in animal behavior and intelligence. She coauthored a ground breaking study that showed that bottlenose dolphins can recognize themselves in the mirror. This altered Lori's career path, she stopped working with captive animals after this, it was too difficult to know about their intelligence an see them confined to small concrete enclosures. Lori moved on to become Director and Founder of the Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy. She also appears on the documentary Blackfish and its's sequel Long Gone Wild. Both about killer whales and captivity. Her current project, The Whale Sanctuary Project begins where Long Gone Wild left off. The Whale Sanctuary is the first of its kind. It will be located off the coast of Nova Scotia and offer previously captive whales and dolphins a natural place, with no concrete walls, to live out the rest of their lives. It is an amazing project and a major undertaking. Listen to this week's episode to hear more about this project.