Beprovided Conservation Radio

Peter Christie, Author



  My guest today is award winning journalist with master's degrees in both journalism and biology. Peter Christie, we are going to be talking about his new book, Unnatural Companions, Rethinking Our Love of Pets in an Age of Wildlife Extinction, we will discuss the pets versus conservation dilemma, such as domestic animals, preying on backyard wildlife, invasive species being released into the wild and how the food we feed our pets is impacting the environment. Are we loving nature literally to death through our pets we bring into our home. Don't worry, this isn't all doom and gloom. We're going to be discussing small changes we can make with, that can make a difference. And, Peter doesn't think that pets are really the problem, but we do need to change how we love and care for them by becoming more educated on how our pet choices affect the wildlife we are trying to protect.