Beprovided Conservation Radio

Coyotes, Carnivores and Killing Contests



*Photo Credit: Coyote Face by Sheryl Hester Historically the coyote features prominently in Native American mythology and folklore - In some stories the coyote is a sacred being with creative powers. In other stories the coyote is wiley, deceptive and a trickster but almost always referred to as creative and intelligent. I am Marcia Sivek and this is BeProvided Conservation Radio Many people report observing more animals in places they had never expected. This is true for coyote sightings. Coyotes are highly adaptable to new environments. They are likely the first wild carnivore you will see.  The coyote’s adaption to new environments are good for the coyote in one way, but in another way, it brings them close to people, specifically people’s pets and livestock. This has caused fear and anger for coyotes when they are living so close to us humans. This is why animals such as coyotes, wolves, bobcats, and bears are not revered as sacred, intelligent or creative — they are sadly considered varmints in some stat