Herpetological Highlights

078 Colour in the Desert



Greater earless lizards use their tail for all manner of things - but how has this shaped its evolution? We delve into this mystery and find out how horny toads (the lizards) cope with life at hot and cold extremes. Our Species of the Bi-Week is a colourful new desert dweller. Ross McGibbon's 2021 calendar: https://bit.ly/3f93mgp  Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/herphighlights FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: herphighlights.podbean.com Main Paper References: Gilbert, A. L., Brooks, O. L., & Lattanzio, M. S. (2020). Multiple behavioral contexts of a melanized tail display in a desert lizard. Ethology, 126(3), 333–343. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.12975 Parlin, A. F., Schaeffer, P. J., & Jezkova, T. (2020). Modelling the effect of environmental temperatures, microhabitat and behavioural thermoregulation on predicted activity patterns in a desert lizard across its thermally diverse distribution. Journal of Biogeography, January, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13936 Species of the Bi