Herpetological Highlights

083 Humans and Venom



Humans and snakes share a long and storied past. In this episode we examine one paper that looks at the prehistoric relationship between humans and cobras (namely their spitting), and a second that looks at how we can mitigate the negative impacts of this relationship today. Our stunning Species of the Bi-week looks to be covered in duck-weed. Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/herphighlights FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: herphighlights.podbean.com Main Paper References: Kazandjian TD, Petras D, Robinson SD, van Thiel J, Greene HW, Arbuckle K, Barlow A, Carter DA, Wouters RM, Whiteley G, Wagstaff SC, Arias AS, Albulescu L-O, Plettenberg Laing A, Hall C, Heap A, Penrhyn-Lowe S, McCabe CV, Ainsworth S, da Silva RR, Dorrestein PC, Richardson MK, Gutiérrez JM, Calvete JJ, Harrison RA, Vetter I, Undheim EAB, Wüster W, Casewell NR. 2021. Convergent evolution of pain-inducing defensive venom components in spitting cobras. Science 371:386–390. DOI: 10.1126/science.abb9303. Samuel SP, Chinnaraju S, W