What's New In Adapted Physical Education

Physical Education v. Adapted Physical Education: A collaboration Part 2



This is part two of a two part series where we are discussing how the field of APE works within the field of PE. In addition, this episode is very special because this episode will once again, also be featured on Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education. If you’re interested in other episodes from Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education, you can stream the podcast on a variety of platforms @ podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/playing-with-research-in-health-and-physical-education/id1434195823?i=1000437405199 The main focus of this episode is the divide between physical education and adapted physical education, and how we as researchers can potentially help to bridge this gap. Dr. McNamara and a panel of 3 experts in physical education discuss what they perceive the divide to be in both research and practice, as well as potential solutions to overcome the divide. This episode features Risto Marttinen, Ed.D., Kevin Andrew Richards, Ph.D., & Terry L. Rizzo