What's New In Adapted Physical Education

Interview with David Porretta: Part 1 Discussion about Joe Winnick an APE Giant



Hello! This episode of What’s New in APE is extra special, as we have a guest moderator taking the reins today. Dr. Barry Lavay, an APE professor at California State University, Long Beach and longtime contributor to the podcast, is tackling his second podcast series and interviewed Dr. David Porretta about his career in the field of APE, as well as his insights on the status of APE and his friendship with the Late Dr. Joseph Winnick. Dr. David Porretta is a pioneer in the field of APE and has many noteworthy achievements. Dr. Porretta is a Faculty Emeritus from the Department of Human Sciences at The Ohio State University. In addition, he has has numerous major publications and has regularly presented scholarly papers at international, national, and state meetings. For this very first episode, Dr. Lavay talks to Dr. Porretta about his friendship with Dr. Joe Winnick. More specifically, Dr. Porretta explains how Dr. Winnick helped to share the field of APE since the late 1960's and influenced his own person