What's New In Adapted Physical Education

ISAPA 2021: An international perspective



In today's very special episode we had an interview with Drs. Pauli Rintala (University of Jyväskylä) and Kwok Ng (University of Eastern Finland and University of Limerick) about the International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA) and the field of adapted physical activity (APA) at an international level. Follow Dr. Kwok Ng @kwokwng. Also follow @ISAPA2021 and @ifapanet for updates about IFAPA and the upcoming ISAPA conference. Discussed in this podcast is the ISAPA, which acts under IFAPA, which will be held online, and will be from June 15th through 18th. This year’s theme is Quality Partnerships in Adapted Physical Activity: Stronger Together. The goal for ISAPA is to bring international researchers together to share their research in hopes of learning about what is going on in other countries. This podcast covers IFAPA and ISAPA, the international perspectives gained from attending ISAPA, how this years ISAPA will be unique, and changes in ISAPA overtime. For more information on IFAPA, you c