Educators Lead With Jay Willis

92: Brad Currie | Twitter Tips For Educators | Be Connected With Your Students And Teachers Using Whatever Platform They Use Most | How #satchat All Got Started | Be Approachable, Relational, And Authentic | Discover What Your Students And Teachers Are Pa



Brad Currie is the Dean of Students and Supervisor of Instruction for the Chester School District in Chester, NJ. He is also the Founding Partner of Evolving Educators LLC. Brad began his career in 2001 as a Middle School Social Studies and Computer Applications teacher. He is a 2014 ASCD Emerging Leader, Google Certified Educator, Google Education Trainer, author of All Hands on Deck: Tools for Connecting Parents, Educators, and Communities; Personalized PD: Flipping Your Professional Development; and the newly released 140 Twitter Tips for Educators. Learn more about Brad by visiting his website or following him on Twitter @bradmcurrie. About EducatorsLead: Educators Lead is a podcast created to help launch educators into the next level of leadership. This show is for you if you are interested in educational leadership as an assistant principal, principal, superintendent, teacher or someone who hopes to be a school leader one day. Educators Lead offers inspiration and practical advice to