Educators Lead With Jay Willis

101: Jeremy Adams | Secrets Of Timeless Teachers | What Students Need Most Are Positive Role Models



Jeremy Adams is a high school teacher, college professor, author, and frequent educational speaker from Bakersfield, California. In April of this year, Rowman & Littlefield published his second book, The Secrets of Timeless Teachers: Instruction that Works in Every Generation. He is the recipient of the 2014 California Teacher of the Year Award from The Daughters of the American Revolution and was a 2013 semi-finalist for the CA Department of education Teacher of the Year Program. Jeremy is married and has three wonderful children.   You can find Jeremy's book Secrets of Timeless Teachers on Amazon here:   About EducatorsLead: Educators Lead is a podcast created to help launch educators into the next level of leadership. This show is for you if you are interested in educational leadership as an assistant principal, principal, superintendent, teacher or someone who hopes to be a school leader one day. Educators Lead offer