
#67:Startup PR and Media Relations Strategies - Principles and How-Tos



欢迎关注Startup4Chinese 播客: 欢迎订阅 Youtube 频道: For the founder of a startup, finding the right voice and amplifying it is one of the most important and toughest tasks. Inviting veterans of the industry as the speakers, this event will provide a template for getting started with PR and media relations. It will describe specific strategies for generating interest from customers, partners or investors -- while leveraging social media, influencer management and digital marketing programs. Event Topics: * When should I start PR? * How do I get media attention in a crowded market space? * How do I break into the US and Canadian media markets? * Develop an 8 week PR launch plan * Building a media outreach and content marketing platform * Integrating PR with social media * Press Release writing and distribution options Speaker: * David Finkelstein, President of The DFI Group, Digital Marketing & PR for emerging companies in tech, f