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Ep. 260 - ResultsOhio: Funding Programs That Get Results



You wouldn’t pay for something without knowing what you were getting, but all too often, our tax dollars are spent on programs without accountability for results. With the new ResultsOhio initiative, led by state Treasurer Robert Sprague, Ohio is looking for data-backed solutions to guide its funding decisions for social and public health programs. As Ohio’s Treasurer of State, Robert Sprague manages the state’s $20 billion investment and $10 billion debt portfolios, collects and deposits all state revenues, and oversees custodial assets. Taking a collaborative approach to government-funded recovery, ResultsOhio focuses on collecting the best treatment ideas and supporting what gets results. Organizations are invited to pitch their best recovery projects for a chance to earn government funding. However, they must prove their project will get results. With the ResultsOhio initiative, organizations of every size, background, and sector, will have the chance to make meaningful change for those on the road to