Stories From Science

Ep 10 Rezatec - Fixing The Planet From The High Frontier



Our blue planet has a defensive shield, made up of layers that allow life to flourish. But our species has created a new layer - of data - using an army of satellites orbiting high above the Earth. Increasingly, this thin veneer is becoming just as critical to modern life, and we use it to navigate, communicate, maintain security and track everything from natural disasters to climate change. There are also huge business opportunities to be had from gazing down at the Earth from the High Frontier. For this episode of Stories from Science, we sat down with Philip Briscoe and Andrew Carrel of UK company Rezatec. Using science and research from areas as diverse as climate science, biosecurity, data analytics and machine learning, they transform data into something called ‘landscape intelligence’, and it's being used by a rapidly growing customer base of governments, NGOs and businesses. From protecting our forests to managing our water supply, we’ll discover just how powerful and transformative Earth Observat
