An Abundant Future With Matt Powers

The 6 Keys To Time - Wise Gardening



The 6 Keys to Time-Wise Gardening Don’t have time to garden? 9-5 Job + Family + Staying Fit? Can’t be Consistent: Things always come up? Don’t want to spend all that time only to see it all go to waste? My Story: 2 acres mostly managed with a knife My wife, my job, homeschooling, & the kitchen The 6 Keys to Time-Wise Gardening Weed with a Knife or Scythe Throw Sow Planting between Perennials Automate Watering Zonal Planting Soil Prep: Winter cover crop & Compost: A Stitch in Time Saves 9 Calendar Approximate Harvest Times Don’t have time? Get Organized & Make Time this Year! Grow an AMAZING Garden without Wasting Time!