An Abundant Future With Matt Powers

Why Bother Gardening? (or The Top 6 Reasons to Garden This Year)



Why Bother Gardening?

Isn’t it going to be hard to even approach the cost efficiency and quality of store bought products? How can amateurs even compete? Actually, Amateurs lead in terms of growing. Those farmers have to tend acres and acres of food in most instances, so their products don’t get the same amount of individual attention and care. We can improve our soil, plants, and our products much easier because of the size of our systems and the fact that we aren’t making picture perfect foods for a store scenario. A lot of what those farmers grow never makes it to sale - most of their work gets thrown out, not even properly composted and returned to their fields. We always hear about food waste, but think about it from the farmer’s perspective: all that work just to be thrown out? It’s a hard situation and makes it harder for them to care specifically about their crops and plants like home gardeners readily do. You know what I’m talking about: how many times has a gardening friend of yours begged you to