An Abundant Future With Matt Powers

Why Regenerative Soil with Matt Powers



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(Every Friday or Saturday for 16 Weeks + the Webinar Series - All with Replays) Regenerative Soil, the Ebook + AUDIOBOOK
(the Exclusive Release of the Audiobook for the Best-Selling Book) Guest Teachers + Case Studies
(from Farmer to Gardener We'll Explore the Methods & Results) Regenerative Soil Certification
(Design Your Holistic Soil Management Plan & Get Certified) The How To + The Science Behind It All 
(Connect the Dots so you can Improvise & Adapt) PLUS: Hardcover Book & BONUS Options Too!! REGENERATIVE SOIL is about demystifying soil science and soil's amazing array of solutions, spreading that knowledge and know-how out into the world, and in real-time, restoring contaminated soils and reducing our waste while building healthy liv