Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 17 - "What's your summer manifesto?"



Summer is an ideal time to learn new things and explore new ideas. This week we discuss what we want to learn over the summer and how we are going to accomplish these goals. What’s your summer manifesto? Also we get showered by cosmic rays and lightning as part of #FunPaperFriday. John’s Summer Manifesto Learn Swift programming language for mobile computing development Books Having a project is essential to learning a programming language. Develop classroom materials to go with some demonstrations and videos I have collected Using screen flow to capture computer screen with voice overs Use Python notebooks to capture data analysis Host materials on GitHub for free and open access Setup more effective task automation to free mind space for work Launch Center Hazel Pythonista Submit one manuscript and have another draft ready with all data processing in reproducible notebooks Editorial for writing on the mobile LaTex for writing the final paper (try Lyx) KaleidaGraph Shannon’s Summer Manifesto