Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 40 - "Pumpkin Sedimentation"



This week Shannon talks about back to back field trips, broken airplanes, and rain. John relates a story about a strange northeast tradition and shares a traffic related fun paper. Shannon’s Trip Paper about zebra dolomite Sand Bar Videos Glen Canyon Dam Hoover Dam Riffle Lee’s Ferry Kring Paper in Episode 30 Meteor Crater Lowell Observatory Punkin’ Chunkin’ Howard, PA Chunkin’ Website Graupel World Championship Punkin Chunkin Smokin’ Lamas Fun Paper Friday Have you ever been stuck in traffic and wondered why the traffic jam moves like a wave? This week we discuss the dynamics of traffic jams. Giant traffic jam in China Kerner, B. S. (1998). Experimental features of self-organization in traffic flow. Physical Review Letters, 81(17), 3797–3800. Flynn, Morris R., et al. “Self-sustained nonlinear waves in traffic flow.” Physical Review E 79.5 (2009): 056113. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - www.j