Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 51 - "Regelation. I think I had that for lunch the other day" Glaciers



Last known survivor of the 1906 San Fran. EQ/Fire passes away Ice is a mineral National Snow and Ice Data Center Great USGS informational publication on ice ages Mendenhall Glacier Video of 1 year of Mendenhall melting Chasing Ice Firn Pressure melting point Regelation Video of Regelation Experiment Weertman 1957 (Paper on ice movement) Great Lakes Glacial erratic Ice age Drumlin Esker Moraine Kettle Lakes Subglacial channels Glacial striation Fun Paper Friday This week we learn about low frequency sound waves in the atmosphere and how we can use them to determine the winds at high altitudes and improve numerical weather prediction. EOS Article Arrowsmith, Stephen J., Omar Marcillo, and Douglas P. Drob. “A framework for estimating stratospheric wind speeds from unknown sources and application to the 2010 December 25 bolide.” Geophysical Journal International 195.1 (2013): 491–503. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - show@dontpanicgeoc