Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 56 - "A lot people would like to think they've got a lunar meteorite" Brad Jolliff



This week a special guest takes us to the moon by talking about lunar rocks and meteorites! The moon turns out to be a fascinating place, but probably won’t break up like in Seveneves. Brad’s Website Jim Papike Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Mars Exploration Rovers Apollo Lunar Rocks and Soils Collection Impact Basin Geology South Pole-Aitken Basin Yutu Rover Electron Microprobe Armalcolite (mineral) IDL ENVI Software ISIS Software ArcGIS ACT Zoomable Lunar Map Fun Paper Friday “Age Rules” from PSRD Borg, L. E., Gaffney, A. M., and Shearer, C. K. (2015) A Review of Lunar Chronology Revealing a Preponderance of 4.34–4.37 Ga Ages, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, v. 50, p. 715–732, doi: 10.1111/maps.12373. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin