Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 73 - "A gigapan from 1906"



This week we talk about how one very famous aerial photograph was taken and how it relates to one of the most devastating earthquakes of the last century. Feedback An Introduction to the Use of Generalized Coordinates in Mechanics and Physics by William Elwood Byerly Berg Wind (Wikipedia) Berg Wind (AMS) The most famous kite based photograph 1906 Earthquake (USGS) George R. Lawrence Alton Limited locomotive Interactive and zoomable photo Scott Haefner SF 100 Years Later Scott Haefner Photography How the photo was taken How the camera position was determined Fun Paper Friday Zink, Katherine D., and Daniel E. Lieberman. “Impact of meat and Lower Palaeolithic food processing techniques on chewing in humans.” Nature(2016). Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin