Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 79 - "Secret Balloon Barn"



Forecasting the weather is tricky business. You need a lot of information. While surface observations can get us a lot of data, we still need information about what is happening far into the atmosphere to make meaningful models and predictions. Thats where weather balloons come in. This week we talk about how upper air observation works as well as Jupiter’s atmosphere on Fun Paper Friday! Weather balloons Pilot Balloons Real Time Sounding Data Hodograph Skew-T Tephigram Stuve diagram High altitude research balloons Near space hobbyists NOAA Radiosonde Fact Sheet GPS occultation to measure atmospheric profiles NOAA Weather Balloon History Weird Al - EBay (YouTube) Contest Write us a geoscience themed limerick! This is a family show, so remember…nothing that rhymes with “Nantucket” Please email us your limericks by August 12, 2016 and we’ll be judging them along with Dr. Katie Schearer, an english professor. The prize? One of the awesome creations from Chris at Taylor Custom. Thanks for listening everyone! Jo