Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 91 – “I've seen buoys before” Hurricanes Part 2



John and Shannon are fighting lab equipment, but they take a break to continue their discussion of hurricanes. This week we talk about how we measure hurricanes - from airplanes to buoys. Hurricane Hunters Reporter Flys with the Hunters (YouTube) 403rd Wing Homepage NOAA Hurricane Hunters Homepage AT–6 Texan WC–130 WP–3D Gulfstream IV Storm Chasers Book (David Toomey) Instruments Dropsonde Driftsonde National Data Buoy Center Weather Buoy John’s Article on Tsunami Buoy Data Weather Ship Guabancex Fun Paper Friday This week’s fun paper is all about woodpeckers, how their eyes stay in their skulls, their skull structure, and other fascinating adaptations to handle literally beating their heads into a wall. Schwab, Ivan R. “Cure for a headache.” British Journal of Ophthalmology 86.8 (2002): 843–843. Contact us: Show - - SWUNG Slack - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin