Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 95 - "At least there were functions" Greg Wilson



John and Shannon are back to doing science instead of troubleshooting and take a break to talk with Dr. Greg Wilson about Software Carpentry, how to teach effectively, and a smattering of related topics about the academic world. Greg Wilson Software Carpentry Data Carpentry Library Carpentry It Will Never Work in Theory The Architecture of Open Source Applications Request a Software Carpentry Workshop Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning (Lang) How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching (Ambrose et al.) Fun Paper Friday Stefik, Andreas, and Susanna Siebert. “An empirical investigation into programming language syntax.” ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 13.4 (2013): 19. Greg’s Review or Stefik and Siebert Whitten, Alma, and J. Doug Tygar. “Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt: A Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0.” Usenix Security. Vol. 1999. 1999. Perez De Rosso, Santiago, and Daniel Jackson. “What’s wrong with git?: a conceptual design.” (2013). Contac