Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 101 - "Cure your hangover with science"



John and Shannon ring in the new year talking about native science and Enchanted Rock State Park. Why are the rocks enchanted and what can we learn from the native stories? Enchanted Rock State Park Enchanted Rock State Park Batholith Pluton Granite Dome Video of exfoliation in action Fun Paper Friday What can lake deposits tell us about historical storms? Were the gods protecting Japan from attack with typhoons? Find out this this week’s fun paper! Earth Magazine Summary Woodruff, J. D., et al. “Depositional evidence for the Kamikaze typhoons and links to changes in typhoon climatology.” Geology 43.1 (2015): 91–94. Contact us: Show - - SWUNG Slack - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin