Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 158 - "Yelling anticline into my phone" Corey Scheip



iPads in the field. We’ve talked about it before, but it’s been awhile. This week Corey Scheip joins us to talk about his experiences with tech and large teams. Corey Scheip Notability App Dropbox Business Collector App Dioptra App Theodolite App Corey on LinkedIn Fun Paper Friday Running on the water - this is a contender for the most absurd experimental setup we’ve seen this year. Minetti, Alberto E., et al. “Humans running in place on water at simulated reduced gravity.” PLoS One 7.7 (2012): e37300. Contact us: Show - Support us on Patreon! - - SWUNG Slack - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin