Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 180 - "I was in the Guinness book of world records” Io w/ Dr. Rosaly Lopes



This week, it’s all about the most volcanically active place in the solar system - Io! Join Dr. Rosaly Lopes of JPL for a tour of this strange world. Io Galileo Mission Cassini Mission Fun Paper Friday Can you burn more calories by watching a scary movie? Find out on this weeks fun paper friday! Cooper, B. G., J. N. Matthews, and K. G. Alberti. “Resting energy expenditure, substrate use, and video tapes.” BMJ: British Medical Journal 311.7021 (1995): 1664. Contact us: Support us on Patreon! Show - - SWUNG Slack - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin