Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 198 - (Rebroadcast) “Launching balloons out of a UHaul” Eric Bruning



This week Dr. Eric Bruning (@deeplycloudy) joins us to talk about locating lightning, the lightning process, and space based lightning instruments. Don’t miss this week’s electrifying show! Dr. Bruning’s Website VORTEX Program West Texas LMA COLMA Sprite Chasing Lightning (Tim Samaras) NOAA Lightning Safety Website Fun Paper Friday Cipra, Barry. “A prime case of chaos.” What’s Happening in the Mathematical Sciences 4 (1999): 2?17. Contact us: Show – – SWUNG Slack – @dontpanicgeo – John Leeman – – @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin – @ShannonDulin