Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 277 - "Water holding the rock" Porosity



This week we talk about porosity - or what all of the empty space in a rock is and why it is important. Primary Porosity Secondary Porosity Fracture Porosity Vuggy Porosity Effective/Open Porosity Ineffective/Closed Porosity Dual Porosity Macroporosity Mesoporosity Microporosity Fun Paper Friday Hungry? Eat the same thing as others at the table to gain their trust! Woolley, Kaitlin, and Ayelet Fishbach. "A recipe for friendship: Similar food consumption promotes trust and cooperation." Journal of Consumer Psychology 27.1 (2017): 1-10. Contact us: Show Support us on Patreon! SWUNG Slack @dontpanicgeo John Leeman @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin @ShannonDulin