Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 293 - "Hot Hot Field Camp" Spontaneous Potential



What is spontaneous potential? It's an inexpensive technique to learn even more about the porosity, composition, and permeability of rock and soil. Fun Paper Friday Does your cat sit in boxes? Turns out, there's proof of why and that a cat's visual perception is quite sophisticated. Smith, Gabriella E., Philippe A. Chouinard, and Sarah-Elizabeth Byosiere. "If I fits I sits: A citizen science investigation into illusory contour susceptibility in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus)." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 240 (2021): 105338. ( Contact us: Show Support us on Patreon! ( ( SWUNG Slack ( @dontpanicgeo ( John Leeman - ( - @geo_leeman ( Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin (