Powerhouse Mama

000: The Who, What, & Why of the Powerhouse Mama Podcast



Just a little overview of what's to come! This quick episode is here to help you figure out if Powerhouse Mama is the show for you!   What is a Powerhouse Mama? A mama who nourishes her body and treats it well. A mama who commands her mind and her emotions. A mama who actively cherishes her most important relationships. A mama who is working towards financial freedom. A mama who is not defined only by the children in her life - but as an inspired, motivated, loving and fulfilled woman.   Are you a Powerhouse Mama?  Do you aspire to become a Powerhouse Mama? Then yes, this is the show for you!  Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher!  Don't forget to Rate and Review!!       Episode Credits:  Intro song: Pulse - Dj Rkod (George Ellinas Remix) © 2013 George Ellinas Outro song: Ascension - Scott Holmes © 2015 Scott Holmes