Powerhouse Mama

010: Life-Altering Fear



This is by far the most emotional podcast episode I've recorded. I almost considered not releasing it, but I felt like I'd bedoing you a disservice if I just went ahead and deleted it! In this episode, I'm talkingabout fear.  The kind that stops you inyour tracks and keeps you from doing something, even thethings that are the most important to you.  The thingsthat, deep down in your heart, you know you should fightfor. I ended up face-to-face with one of these life-altering fears,and it almost changed the course of my family's future as I knowit, in a huge way.   Like what you hear?  Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher!  Don't forget to Rate and Review, andshare with another Powerhouse Mama in your life!Episode Credits: Intro song: Pulse - Dj Rkod (George Ellinas Remix) ©2013 George EllinasOutro song: Ascension - Scott Holmes © 2015 ScottHolmes