Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

The woman who went from 0 sales and feeling undervalued to finding her true passion & hitting money goals!



In today’s episode, Marissa is talking with Kailey Donovan.  Kailey Donovan is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Personal Trainer from Boston, Massachusetts. Kailey started her career as a clinical dietitian. After spending time in the clinical setting and fitness industry Kailey did not feel fulfilled in the work she was doing. Through her own struggles with disordered eating, addiction to exercise, and poor body image, Kailey discovered her passion for helping women heal their relationship with food and their body. She now helps women worldwide break free from dieting so they can live their best and healthiest lives!   “I feel like nutrition, in general, has just kind of evolved into this confusing, stressful thing that it doesn't really need to be that way. So, it's really about breaking free from those food rules and finding your food freedom. So instead of living day-to-day obsessing over food, I help women live day-to-day making memories and just feeling really good about their life and their body. S