Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

She Never Thought She Could Be Her Own Private Practice Boss, But Here She Is!



Yaa Boayke talks with Natalie Trapasso on today’s episode.  Natalie is a Registered Dietitian out of Buffalo, NY. Growing up she struggled with her own weight and relationship with food, starting her first diet at age 12. She became a Dietitian to help women lose weight without trying insane diets and the struggle of not knowing what to eat. She identifies as a "Lazy Girl" and has made it her mission to make weight loss as efficient and simple as possible.  “I became a dietitian to help people. And the people that I want to help are not in hospitals and nursing homes. They're out in the community. I want to help people that want my help. And that is what pushed me to start my private practice!” -Natalie Trapasso   A few topics discussed: Money she’s made in her Private Practice Starting her group coaching program Working for someone else & how it didn’t align with her goals   Guest Resources: Connect with Natalie on Instagram: @lazygirl.weightloss Free Resources from Libby: Are you ready to start your j