Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

Private Practice Ventures From Team Dietitian Boss Instructor Mikka And What’s Next On Her Journey!



In today’s episode, Libby talks with Mikka Knapp, a fellow registered dietitian, nutritionist in private practice, who completed the Dietitian Boss program in September of 2019, which helped her grow her practice by improving her marketing and sales skills. She has served as the lead instructor for the Dietitian Boss method since the spring of 2020. Over the past year, she's helped over two hundred Dietitian Bosses develop the skills and confidence to grow their businesses. I'm really excited today to have Mikka on air and discuss her progress, leadership, and journey over the last year and discuss what's up for her next.    “My favorite part of being the lead instructor for Team Dietitian Boss has been getting to see the transformations of so many women at so many different levels of business!” -Mikka Knapp Guest Resources: Connect with Mikka on Instagram: @mikkaknapp.nutrition Free Resources from Libby Are you ready to start your journey? Book a call to learn more about the Dietitian Boss Group Coaching pro