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Anxiety / Depression, What Are The Myths?



In today’s episode, Dietitian Boss Coach Yaa Boayke interviews Becca King and Zoe Klein. Zoe is a social worker who works primarily with individuals struggling with eating disorders, in particular binge eating disorder. Zoe has been able to not only motivate people towards full recovery but also helps many people come out of the woodwork and get the support they deserve. Becca is a registered dietitian, nutritionist who helps young women like herself who have ADHD and struggle with binge eating, chronic dieting and body image issues to find food freedom and improve their self-esteem. She is passionate about using the principles of intuitive eating and a weight inclusive approach to nutrition. “A lot of people think that anxiety is something man made, oh, it's just in your head. People can be very dismissive of the impact of anxiety on food.” - Zoe Klein In today’s episode… Myths about anxiety and depression  ADHD and binge eating disorder  Women’s relationships with food  Guest Resources: Connect with Zoe a