Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

Anwar Chahal & Calum MacRae discuss Clinical Genomics training



Jane Ferguson:                Hi everyone. Welcome to episode seven of Getting Personal, -Omics of the Heart. I'm Jane Ferguson, an assistant professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the chair of the Publications and Professional Education Committee of the Functional Genomics and Translational Biology Council of the American Heart Association.                                            This month I'm particularly excited to announce a new venture. We have teamed up with the journal, Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics to bring you this and future podcasts. CircGen publishes a lot of the most compelling research in cardiovascular genetics and genomics and precision medicine in cardiometabolic disease. We've already featured a lot of the research in previous episodes of the podcast. With this new collaboration, you can look forward to even more in-depth features of the newest research published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics.                                            This m