Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

Ep 13 Svati Shah Kiran Musunuru Andrew Landstrom Katelyn Gerbin Brock Roberts



Transcript of the February Podcast, “Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart”, Episode 13   Hosted by Jane Ferguson   Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center & Associate Editor of the Circulation: Precision and Genomic Medicine journal of the American Heart Association Jane Ferguson:             Hello. This is episode 13 of Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart. It's February 2018. I'm Jane Ferguson, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, an associate editor at Circulation: Precision and Genomic Medicine, and an occasional podcast host. This month, I talked to Kiran Musunuru and Svati Shah about how they spearheaded name changes for Circulation Cardiovascular Genetics and for the AHA Council on Functional Genomics and Translational Biology, and Andrew Landstrom talked to Kaytlyn Gerbin and Brock Roberts from the Allen Institute about some extremely cool work they are doing with CRISPR and IPS cells to create fluorescently tagged maps of live cells, which allowed th