Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

Ep 18 Khetarpal



Jane:                                     Hi, everyone. Welcome to Episode 18 of Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart. I'm Jane Ferguson, and this podcast is brought to you by the Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine Journal and the American Heart Association Counsel on Genomic and Precision Medicine. It is July 2018, which means that the best possible place to be listening to this episode is at the beach, but failing that I can also recommend listening on planes, during your commute, while exercising or while drinking a nice cup of tea.                                                 So before I get into the papers we published this month, I want to ask for your help. If you're listening to this right now, hi, that means you, we're a year and a half into podcasting and I would love to know what content you like and where we could improve things. We have a poll up on Twitter this week, and I would really appreciate your input. If you're listening to this a little bit later and miss the active voting