Dissecting Digital Health

DDH E001 - Patti Brennan



Dr Patti Brennan is a bit of a legend when it comes to health informatics and nursing informatics. I had the pleasure of catching up with Patti when she was in Australia to keynote HIC 2016. It was just before she took up a new challenge as the Director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in the US. She is the first female and first nurse to hold this prestigious role. I loved chatting to Patti and hope you enjoy the podcast of our wide-ranging conversation Your host is Dr. Louise Schaper (linkedin.com/in/louiseschaper) With special thanks to our guest Dr. Patti Brennan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Flatley_Brennan) Access the full interview transcript here: (https://medium.com/@louise_schaper/dissecting-digital-health-with-dr-patti-brennan-f802cf7ccc6e) This podcast is produced by Ivan Juric (https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f392ba3edd11faa5) CONTACT US: Suggest a guest via dissectingdigitalhealth@gmail.com Tweet Louise at @louise_schaper Tweet Patti at @NLMdirector Want to learn more ab