Dissecting Digital Health

DDH E003 - Terry Hannan



Terry is one of the most humble people you will ever meet. Despite an impressive CV and a career’s worth of achievements that have impacted people in Australia and overseas, he still seems surprised people bestow honours on him. Your host is Dr. Louise Schaper (https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiseschaper) With special thanks to our guest Dr. Terry Hannan (https://au.linkedin.com/in/terry-hannan-10709512) Access the full interview transcript here (https://medium.com/@louise_schaper/dissecting-digital-health-with-terry-hannan-5f0bd4b5c6a4) This podcast is produced by Ivan Juric (https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f392ba3edd11faa5) CONTACT US: Suggest a guest via dissectingdigitalhealth@gmail.com Tweet Louise at @louise_schaper Want to learn more about digital health and health informatics - join HISA: Australia's Digital Health Community www.hisa.org.au